* Soft-EPi has successfully developed a GaN-based red LED on a sapphire substrate using a technology similar to blue LEDs. * While gallium nitride-based blue and green LEDs are already commercially available, GaN-based red LEDs are very difficult to make, so red LEDs have been made using AlGaInP materials or phosphors. * AlGaInP-based red LED has a problem that the wavelength change and efficiency decrease with increasing temperature, and the efficiency decreases rapidly as the chip size decreases. * Soft-EPi's technology is a breakthrough technology that can mass-produce red LEDs using existing MOCVD without additional equipment investment. In addition, it is possible to make red LEDs with little wavelength change depending on temperature, so it can be applied to micro-LED displays that require high reliability. - Micro-LED's applications: AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), mobile phones, smart watches, etc.
4 inch GaN-based red epi wafer grown on PSS
Red emission from GaN-based LED grown on double-side-polished sapphire
Video of GaN-based LED emitting red light